Posted on March 8th by Junior Doctor Blog.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you
know nothing about.
Wendy Mass, The Candymakers
Wendy Mass, The Candymakers
There are secret battles going on all over the country right
now: battles to keep teachers, fire
fighters, police
officers in work, to protect the
rights of disabled people, and save children
from poverty. The NHS is quietly becoming a war zone all by itself;
there are battles to stop
stripping student nurses of their bursaries, to stop A&E
and maternity closures, to keep community
pharmacies open, to challenge
consultant contracts, to keep GP
practices open, and the most publicly of all; to halt the imposition of the junior
doctors contract.
These battles are secret not by our choosing- I have
colleagues who have done nothing but work themselves to the bone for the last
eight months to try to get the word to you- I hope you were listening.
Many mainstream media outlets were not. The uphill struggle to even dent the
public perception from the governments spin machine has been titanic. I still
think we haven’t got even halfway there.
This isn’t about weekend pay or hours, it’s a little about unsafe staffing and a lot
about dangerous underfunding
of the national health service. What it’s mostly about is challenging a
government set on dismantling the free at the point of use service of the NHS.
Since 2010, on every recordable measure the NHS is failing: waiting times, staff retention and recruitment, funding
‘deficits’. If you want to get really simple: death
rates are up. Let me reiterate that- since 2010/12, after fifty years
of steady decline, death rates in the UK have started to rise. More people are
dying. THIS is the result of a financial crash and a Tory government ‘not
letting a good crisis go to waste‘- pushing an ideology of public
sector sell off and shrinking of government that is the core of conservatism.
You might think they’ve gone too far- I do. So does Prof
Don Berwick, the
Nuffield Trust, the
Financial Times and the Kings
Fund to name a few. The deficit is £97
billion, the national debt is £1.6 trillion– there is no ‘balancing of
the books’. Austerity was a great lie. This is a government of PR, not policy.
Now circle around to the junior doctors’ contract dispute.
The contract is a means to provide lucrative cheap elective weekend work at the
cost of safety to patients during the week. There are no more doctors to
provide these services. The National
Audit Office and Cass Business school said these changes ‘posed a genuine
risk’ and may ‘breach employer duty of care’.
Why would David Cameron do this then? Because for twenty or
thirty years successive governments have tried to privatise health in the
UK: the head of the NHS is
an ex-US health care executive, Virgin own many NHS community
services ALREADY in the UK, the former Health
secretary now works for a private health consultancy, £1.5
billion pounds of private contracts linked to companies of sitting MPs.
Still don’t believe me? Here is the plan- from 1988 Britains
Biggest Enterprise by Oliver Letwin, current Tory advisor and
strategist. Here is the plan revisited in 2005- Direct Democracy,
co-written by current health secretary Jeremy Hunt.
The plan is to drive down terms and condition, create an
unworkable and unsafe NHS, and then in a crisis- roll
in private companies. As they say- ‘never let a good crisis go to
waste’. While people, other normal human beings will suffer; your families,
grandparents, uncles and aunts.
That is what this fight is about. The battle for the NHS has
raged for thirty
years, and you mostly had no idea about it.
I have colleagues who spend all their own time organising,
campaigning, giving interviews, challenging the government to show us we are
wrong; and thus far all we are met with is lies and spin. Colleagues who have
taught themselves law, economics, public relations, journalism, song-writing.
These men and women are all working doctors, nurses, physios and AHPs- saving
your life as a day job, trying to save your health service from home.
We are doctors who want to do our jobs; to protect the
health of our patients. We are fighting because banging our heads against the
wall just isn’t enough anymore.
We will fight them in the courts. The BMA
is launching a legal challenge to the contract. It will force the
government to legally show us that they will not harm patients, that they will
not create further crisis in the NHS, that they are doing as they say, and
acting in the best interests of patients. We know they are not.
We will fight them on the streets. Join us on the picket
line on March 9th and 10th March. Show them you value the service and
staff of the NHS. Come and talk to us at Meet The Doctors events. Find out
more here.
We will fight them in Parliament. The NHS reinstatement bill
has its second reading on the 11th March- it challenges the legality of
privatising the NHS and the market that encourages private takeover, at huge
public cost. Write to your MP and tell them you support this bill.
The fiercest battle is sometimes one you never heard of.
Don’t let this one be – join us in our fight to save our NHS. To paraphrase a
superb junior doctor on social media; “in two decades time you can tell your
kids the reason there’s still an NHS is because twenty years ago you stood up
for it”.
Stand up.
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