Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Doctors Improving Services - Cover.Care

What The Bleep support doctors who go out to improve and create new services in our healthcare system. 
Introducing:  Cover.Care

Cover is an online platform to directly match doctors to hospitals when shifts become available. Doctors will be able to use the platform to manage their HR/Compliance documents, state their availability, set alerts for shifts, process their time sheets and manage payments. 

By being completely transparent, we aim to save the NHS money, whilst paying doctors fairly. You can now invite your friends and colleagues and get £50 once they have done a shift.

Future plans
In the future, we aim to integrate rota management into our platform, so ALL doctors will be able to manage their rota in one place.  By gathering data on rota gaps and training shortage, we hope to help the NHS better manage workforce planning. Hopefully, with the use of machine learning, we can develop learning algorithms to anticipate staff demands more intelligently
Our vision is to use smart technology to support a sustainable NHS that will provide for all. 

About us
Bryn Bird - GP with an healthcare focused MBA from Imperial.  He also works with West Ken CCG and is the lead for child protection. 
Li Low - Doctor with a computer science background. I'm a self-taught python programmer with an interest in machine learning.